Amblyopia // Lazy Eye

If the ability to focus each eye is compromised during development, the brain suppresses signals from the disrupted eye.  Amblyopia occurs when a patient’s vision development is compromised through a misalignment dubbed strabismus.  The brain suppresses one eye to prevent double vision.  Refractive amblyopia occurs when an eye has nearsightedness that is not corrected, astigmatism or farsightedness.  The brain favors the eye that sees better, shutting off the weak eye.  Deprivation amblyopia occurs when light does not move into the eye due to astigmatism or cataracts, ultimately weakening one eye.  Nearly 4% of the total population has amblyopia.  If you know or suspect you have this condition or if you would like our eye doctor to determine if you do, reach out to us at (812) 346-2020 to schedule an appointment.  

We treat amblyopia with therapy developed specifically for each patient.  In other words, an eye patch will not suffice.  We put the latest tech and methods to use including virtual reality, binocular vision therapy, oculomotor vision therapy, visual processing development, eye focusing therapy, the development of eye-hand coordination and more.  In some cases, eye drops or eyeglasses with a prescription lens specific to the eye in question will balance out vision.  Following treatment, patients enjoy better eye-hand coordination, improved reading fluency, enhanced depth perception and overall improve visual acuity.

To learn more about Amblyopia, make an appointment with one of our doctors and visit: